Sunday, November 30, 2008

Christmas Trees and Gingerbread Houses

We trimmed two trees-one to go-and got most of the decorating finished...Dane even got some lights put up...2 gingerbread houses completed....two to finish...and some shopping done...all after having Thanksgiving at our house. Thank goodness my Mom did the turkey, gravy, cake and sweet potatoes. Quincee helped a lot this year. She helped make a lemon cream pie, crescent rolls, stuffing, hot corn dip, candied carrots and mashed potatoes! Dane did a lot of the clean up:). We are worn out!!!


Chavonne and her people said...

Hey Girl!!!!1 I was so glad to get your Christmas card! I love reading blogs (when I have the time) I just now started my own. It is . It sure is nice to see your family.
Chavonne Woods

Melissa said...

Hello! I randomly stumbled across your blog. I was surprised and excited to have found your family! I have always looked up to you and admired you. You touched my life so deeply, and I am so grateful for the time I had to get to know you. Truly, you have always been a great example to me, and I know that Heavenly Father placed you in my life when I needed you there. I hope you know how much I appreciate your friendship. I would love to get back in touch with you. I cannot believe how big your kids have gotten! Please feel free to visit my blog at

Melissa Millward :)
